We are based in Worcester Park, offering quality electrical services to both domestic and commercial customers

Need to install new light fittings, consumer units or even carry out full house rewires? We’re on hand to help with any electrical services you require. If you have any questions you can fill in our form, email us at info@aeielectrical.com or call us on 020 3659 6351 or 0791 4615 151.

Our Electrical Services

Expert Electrician Worcester Park

When it comes to electrical work, safety and expertise are paramount. Whether you're dealing with a minor repair or a major installation, you need a reliable electrician by your side. At AEI Electrical, you can count on us!

Fully insured

We have public liability insurance, ensuring peace of mind for all our customers

Experienced and qualified

NAPIT approved with all of our work guaranteed, so you know your home and business is in safe hands. View our gallery to browse through our work,

Highly Rated

We take pride in our work and our reputation, see what our customers have to say about us by heading over to the reviews page.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I need an electrician for a job?

If you're dealing with electrical issues such as frequent circuit trips, sparks, or outlets not working, it's time to call an electrician.

Is it necessary to hire a local electrician Worcester Park?

While local electricians are convenient, the most crucial factor is their qualifications and reliability, regardless of their location.

Are electrical repairs expensive?

The cost of electrical repairs can vary widely. It depends on the nature of the issue and the materials needed. Always ask for a detailed quote.

What safety precautions should I take with electrical work?

Avoid DIY electrical work, and always turn off power to the area you're working on. If in doubt, consult a professional.

Book a Electrician Worcester Park

If you have any questions you can fill in our form, email us at info@aeielectrical.com or call us on 020 3659 6351 or 0791 4615 151.

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